Several UK care
scandals in the past two decades have identified that support staff working
with individuals with a learning disability whose behaviour challenges can
behave in ways that constitute abuse and maltreatment. The latest of these in
2011 focused on the BBC Panorama documentary about the Winterbourne View care
The latest scandal
suggests that promises that “this can never happen again” have not been
fulfilled. This is despite appropriate policy and commissioning guidance, and
recommendations for best practice in working with people whose behaviour
Professor Richard
Hastings (School of Psychology, Bangor University) has been carrying out
research for more than 20 years focused on staff who work with individuals
whose behaviour challenges. He argues that policies and guidance are too far
removed from the day-to-day factors that influence staff behaviour towards
those they support. Although Professor Hastings agrees that staff skills and
knowledge in understanding and intervening with challenging behaviour are
important, he also argues that two further dimensions are neglected. First,
support staff experience their work with challenging behaviour as emotionally
demanding. Second, staff attitudes towards individuals labelled as
“challenging” need to be changed. Change is needed to address these two
influences on support staff behaviour.
The Who’s
Challenging Who project
Who’s Challenging Who
(WCW) is an attitude change training package that has been developed over 18
months since January 2011 (pre-dating Winterbourne View). The development and
pilot evaluation of WCW was funded by a Knowledge Transfer Partnership grant between Mencap and Bangor University.
WCW involves a person with learning disability who has behaviour that
challenges working with a person without disability as co-trainers for a half
day workshop targeting health and social care support staff.
The WCW training
curriculum was informed jointly by the experiences of the co-trainers with
learning disability and by existing research evidence. The theory behind the
WCW training is to provide multiple opportunities for direct contact with
individuals whose behaviour challenges and contact with information about their
experiences of services and being labelled as “challenging”. Small groups of
support staff (up to 10) experience an intensive interactive session with the
aim of increasing their empathy (what it is like to be in the shoes of
individuals labelled as challenging), and changing their attitudes.
Contact theory (the
theory behind WCW) has already been used successfully to inform attitude change
and reduce stigma towards other excluded groups, such as individuals with
mental health difficulties.
Who’s Challenging
Who outcome data
Professor Hastings and
colleagues have recently carried out a research evaluation of the WCW training
package with 10 groups of staff (a total of 76 staff attended evaluation
groups). Research measures were used to assess staff attitudes towards those
whose behaviour challenges before the training course and after the WCW
training. Outcomes measured were: staff empathy, staff similarity attitudes
(beliefs about the similarity between people whose behaviour challenges and
other people), empowerment attitudes (beliefs about people whose behaviour
challenges being empowered to take control of their lives), and staff feelings
of confidence in supporting individuals whose behaviour challenges.
significant changes pre-post WCW training were found for all four attitudinal
dimensions. Although statistical change is important because it suggests a
reliable positive change in the group of staff trained using WCW, it is also
important to ask how large the training effect was. Using metrics called effect
sizes, Professor Hastings and colleagues showed that the training effect was
“moderate” or “medium” in size. What this means is that the attitude changes
observed were clinically or practically meaningful, especially given that this
was only a half day training. Thus, the data on WCW effectiveness are very
What next?
WCW could be used as
an attitude change intervention in learning disability services throughout the
UK and internationally. WCW could be a part of the response to the Winterbourne
View scandal. Evidence-based approaches to changing staff attitudes within
services are sorely needed right now. WCW could be used in induction training,
as a refresher/booster training for staff who have worked in health and social
care for a long time, and/or alongside skills/knowledge-based training on
challenging behaviour.